



Laura & Carolyn at Matthew's 28th Birthday

Carolyn, Matthew, & Sue

Laura, Carolyn, & Brian

The whole gang getting ready to go swimming

Adrienne, Carolyn, & Alison

   All of us in the pool

Kim threw me a baby shower

Lydia, Carolyn, Leah, & Tyler

Lydia, Tyler, & Leah all brushing their teeth like good children

Lydia, Carolyn, & Leah my last airplane flight to SC before Alexis was born

Carolyn & Eric

Laura's Birthday

Carolyn, Sue, & Matthew at Laura's Birthday

Matthew, Sue, & Laura

VERY pregnant with Alexis

Matthew & Carolyn in the baby's room

Showing my big pregnant belly

Laura put together a wonderful baby shower for me at The Jolly Roger

Alison & Adrienne helping me open gifts

Getting lots of wonderful gifts for the baby

Carolyn & Laura

Kara & Carolyn

Laura, Crystal, Carolyn, & Tracey

Sharon, Carolyn, Jean, & Sue (soon to be Nana Sue)

Sue, Carolyn, Linda, Kathleen, Alison & Adrienne

Matthew & Carolyn

Sheri & Kenn

These pictures were taken right before our 10 year class reunion. I gave birth to Alexis 3 days later.

Carolyn & Sheri still best friends after so many years

10 Year Class Reunion Class Picture

St. Joseph - Ogden High School's Class of 1988

I was having contractions while at the Reunion

Crystal, Sheri, & Carolyn

Carolyn & Susie

Carolyn, Susan, & Sheri

Just a few of the Reunion pictures

Carolyn & Sheri together again that spells trouble

I am admitted to the hospital because I am leaking amniotic fluid

Still able to smile after getting the IV

Matthew comforting me, I am having trouble smiling after so many hours in labor

Sue & Laura being supportive

They don't call it labor for nothing

Dr. Shepard


Alexis just minutes old

A very proud Daddy

Sleeping on the job already (you would think he did the hard part)

Laura is FINALLY an Aunt






Brian & Alexis (Brian looks nervous holding Alexis his little one will soon be on his way)



