Merry Christmas 2005
From the Clay Family
This year seems to  have flown by so fast. Matthew became an internal at State Farm and has already moved to a new position. Alexis is very talented artistically, she is in 1st grade at Washington Grade School. Nicholas is all boy, he fractured his elbow this year falling down the stairs. He stays home with me and the daycare kids. I am thankful I have been able to stay home with both my children. I do look forward to getting a job teaching when the kids are in school. Matthew's sister Laura is finishing up her last year of residency and will hopefully move to Bloomington by this summer. We hope Matthew's mom, Sue will be able to move here in a couple years. It will be nice to have our family closer. My whole family still lives in Greenville, SC. My Dad and a friend started  their own business and it seems to suit my Dad well. As many of you know my sister Kimberly found out this year that her youngest son Hunter has Battens Disease, which is terminal. Thank you for your prayers. My family says that Hunter has been more responsive since being put on an anti-seizure medication. Kimberly has her own cleaning business that allows some flexibility for Hunter's many doctor's appointments and therapy. My sister Michelle's family is very musical, and are kept very busy with all the musical instruments they can play. I will enjoy visiting my family in SC right after Christmas for the Holidays.
Have a Great Christmas Holiday
 Pictures that chronicle our year
Matt's Birthday
Nicholas' 2nd Birthday
Alexis' 1st Sleepover
Mother's Day
Trip to Texas


Trip to SC      Nicholas & Hunter


Our 13th Wedding Anniversary



Trip to Wisconsin


 Alexis Starts School



Alexis' 7th Birthday



Nicholas fractured his elbow


Romantic Trip to the Dells







Sorry I had to change to thumbnails

Click on pictures to enlarge